History of google you don't Know about

History of google

Google, the search engine that has become synonymous with internet searching, has an intriguing background that begins in a Stanford University dorm room. Google, founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, has grown from a tiny research project to a worldwide technology behemoth, influencing how we access and utilise information on the internet. 

The Origins of Google and What Will Happen After 2019

Two computer science majors at Stanford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, started developing BackRub in 1995. BackRub was a search engine that used backlink analysis to track and store data on the internet. (The term "BackRub" refers to the algorithmic ranking system used to determine how many "back-links" a web page contains.

Who Founded google?

Larry Page and Sergey Brin were both PhD students at Stanford University in 1995 when they began developing a search engine named "Backrub." Backrub employed a one-of-a-kind algorithm to assess the relevance and value of connections between web sites. This method, known as PageRank, transformed the search industry by offering more accurate and relevant search results than previous keyword-based search engines.

Advertising growth

The impressive financial performance of Google was a reflection of both the general and specific quick expansion of Internet advertising. Experts ascribed a portion of that success to a movement in advertising investment away from traditional media like newspapers, magazines, and television and towards the Internet. For instance, global web advertising increased from from $6 billion in 2000 to more than $72 billion in 2011, whereas American newspaper advertising decreased from a peak of $64 billion in 2000 to $20.7 billion in 2011. 

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