Top 3 yoga Asanas to reduce Belly Fat

Yoga Asanas to reduce Belly Fat

Nowadays, our hectic lifestyle and workloads do not let us live in a healthy way. The hunger for junk food and stress filled environment give us an unhealthy food. The tummy are the worst affected body parts of all where most of the fats get deposited. And most of the people fed up with their belly fat, and it can be extremely irritating. Everyone can exercise daily and keep a healthy diet, but sometimes there is still that last bit of belly fat that your body holds on to.  Therefore having belly fat can make you very self-conscious, and it will affect your quality of life. And the belly fat is linked to heart diseases, diabetes, and even some forms of cancer. Getting rid of belly fat is important because it is one of the most dangerous places in the body to keep the fat.

There are so many yoga asana and exercises that help in reducing the belly fat, but today we are sharing the top 3 yoga asana to you which are most effective and can be practiced by any healthy person. But it also important and necessary to you to focus on nutrition as this as much as 70 percent of the result.

Yoga Poses to help lose Belly Fat

  1. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): Cobra Pose is the great posture and lightest forms of yoga to strengthen the abdominal muscles to reduce belly fat. This yoga asana will strengthen the back, abdomen and entire upper body. Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana has been one of the best recommendation as yoga to reduce belly fat.

How to do Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

  • Lie down on your belly with legs stretched.
  • Place the palms underneath the shoulder.
  • Chin on the floor and all the toes touching the floor.
  • Then, on inhalation slowly raise your chest up bending backward as much as possible.
  • This allows your body to look like a cobra ready to strike with the head raised.
  • Hold the cobra pose for 10 to 20 sec depending on your ability.
  • On exhalation slowly bring your entire body down to the prone position.
  • Repeat this for at least 5 times with relaxation for 15 sec after each round.
  • Don’t do this pose if you have back injury, ulcer, and hernia, or if you are pregnant.
  1. Bow Posture (Dhanurasana): This posture is like must recommended yoga exercise for flat stomach and toning your tummy. It offering a good stretch to your abdomen, back, thighs, arms, and helps to improving your posture.

How to do Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

  • Begin with lying down on your belly in prone position with legs stretched together, arms placed on either side of body.
  • Then bend the knees, reach your arm to the ankles of the feet and hold.
  • On inhalation lift your head and bend backward. Lift your legs as higher as you can.
  • Hold this posture for 15 to 30 seconds. Breathe normally while holding the pose.
  • On exhalation, slowly bring back your body to the prone position.
  • Repeat this for at least 5 rounds with relaxation for 15 seconds after each round.
  1. Raised Foot Pose (Uttanpadasana): This pose helps in getting rid of the fat from your lower abdominal region as well as hips and thighs. This pose is one of the most efficient and effective ways to eliminate the flab that gets accumulated around your waist and hips during pregnancy.

How to do Uttanpadasna

  • Lie down on the mat with your back on the floor, legs stretched out, and heels touching each other. Keep your hands on either side of your body, palms facing the ground.
  • Inhale deeply. Now, exhaling slowly, tilt your back while bringing your head backward so that it touches the floor.
  • Do not move your hands from their initial position. Breathe normally.
  • Stretch to the maximum possible level, without hurting your back.
  • Inhaling deeply, raise your legs from the floor, making a 45-degree angle with the floor.
  • Hold the pose for 15 to 30 seconds, breathing normally. Slowly work to hold the posture for more than 60 seconds.
  • Exhale deeply, and lift your legs so that they make a 90-degree angle with the floor. Breathing normally, hold the posture for 30 seconds.
  • Inhaling deeply, gradually bring your legs back to the initial position – the supine position.
  • Repeat this asana 10 times to begin with, working up to 30 times gradually.
  • Relax for 15 seconds after each repetition.

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