5 best reasons why we should avoid to use of plastic water bottles

Everyone realizes that water is the most beneficial thing that you can drink but science also suggests drinking from plastic water bottles might not be the best thing for you or the environment.
Water is known as the “universal solvent” because it has many unique properties and its ability to dissolve more substances than any other liquid. This is important to every living thing on earth. Water is essential for life. It’s not just refreshing; it plays an important role in the body and each of its functions. Water is essential for the human body and necessary to remain hydrated, many companies have turned this liquid into a business that has been misleading customers for a long time.
Many corporations sell bottled water asserting that it’s healthier than tap water. Even though it is seemingly healthy, some companies distribute water of poor quality at prices that are too high for consumers.
Bottled water is not a sustainable choice, despite the fact that corporations would like us to believe that it is. It is true that many companies presently have policies for the reusing and recycle of plastic bottles, but in most cases, the bottles end up in the trash and pollute the environment. We are not saying that tap water is 100% safe to use, because that all depends on how it’s been treated what’s been done to make it appropriate for human utilization. With this in mind, here are 5 best reasons why you shouldn’t drink bottled water.
- Plastic water bottles are not sustainable.
As we mentioned above, Company’s need clients to believe that plastic bottles are eco-friendly. Using an immense amount of fossil fuels and water, these bottles are manufactured, filled, and delivered the world over. There are many recycling campaigns to diminish the impact of plastic bottles on the environment, but this has only minimally affected pollution. According to some studies, more plastic bottles are thrown away than recycled. Moreover, “Eco-friendly” bottles don’t break down as easily as their label indicates; they’re just made with less plastic than others.
- Many plastic water bottles contain toxins.
The plastic that is used for bottled water is not only bad for the earth but can also damage your body. It’s not good for you, either. Bottled water companies increasingly use a type of plastic free that’s BPA-free, which is less toxic than other types of plastic. However, it’s not free of other chemical compounds that can seep out if the bottles are exposed to heat for a long time. Quantities of these chemical goods are possible endocrine disruptors, although this hasn’t been scientifically confirmed.
- Plastic water bottles are as same as tap water at a higher cost.
The label on the plastic water bottles may show a peaceful mountain stream, but this doesn’t mean that the water is pure or best quality. In fact, only a few percentages of water bottles come from springs or underground sources.
Approximately 25% of all water bottled is the same in quality to tap water. Clearly, some companies filter or radiate the municipal tap water with ultraviolet light before selling it to you at costs that are 100 times higher than the same quantity of water right from municipal tap water. Besides, some studies have demonstrated that samples of bottled water can contain phthalates, mold, microbes, benzene, trihalomethanes, and even arsenic. In this regard, Specialists consider that tap water to be more trustworthy, although the purification process used at the municipal water supply should be taken into consideration.
- Local water is the perfect compliment to organic food.
Organic food has turned out to be extremely popular after it was resolved that it is much healthier than foods that have been exposed to pesticides and other chemicals. Cooking these foods with tap water is a way to support healthy and sustainable foodstuff you eat.
- Reuse the plastic water bottles are the best alternative.
Despite the fact that plastic water bottles are made to be reused, they rarely are. In fact, enough plastic is thrown away each year to circle the earth four times! As opposed to allowing plastic water bottles to become hazards to marine life and other animals, pledge to ditch plastic water bottles and purchase a reusable water bottle instead. There are many bottles available that are perfect for filling with water at home so that you can always have this vital liquid at hand.
There are also many innovative products for the home that can expand trust in drinking tap water. A glass pitcher with an eco-friendly filter is a great option that will ensure more safe water. Another alternative is to add a filter to your faucet; they’re simple to install and will recover your water quality.
Harmful effects of plastic water bottles on health and environment
Using plastic drinking bottles also produces negative effects on health and the environment. Here I am sharing some points which show the effects of plastic water bottles.
- Harmful chemicals: when we get stored water in plastic bottles, it also produces harmful substances like fluoride, arsenic, and aluminum which can be toxic to the human body. So, drinking water from plastic bottles means drinking the slow poison that will slowly get worse your health.
- Impact on the immune system: Our immune system is enormously influenced when we drink water in plastic bottles. The chemicals from plastic bottles are ingested and have a tendency to disturb our body’s immune system.
- BPA generation: Biphenyl A is an estrogen- imitating substance which can cause a lot of health issues like diabetes, obesity, fertility problems, behavioral problems and early adolescence in young girls. It’s better not to store and drink water from a plastic bottle.
- Dioxin production: Plastic melts in the hot environment. We often store water in plastic bottles while driving and so many times leave it in the car where it comes in the direct exposure of the sun. Such heating releases a toxin called Dioxin which consumed can accelerate breast cancer.
- Vitamin-based bottled water: Currently, we get water often in plastic bottles and to build its health content, manufacturers make it vitamin-enriched to attract buyers. But this is considerably more harmful as it carries health-harming additives like food dyes and high fructose corn syrup.
- Liver cancer and Reduced sperm count: Because of quality of a substance called phthalates in plastic, drinking water from plastic bottles can also lead to liver cancer and lessening in sperm count.